Linguo-cultural aspect, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, cultural norms, communication styles, politeness strategies, social hierarchy, authority, egalitarianism, cross-cultural communicationAbstract
This study explores the linguo-cultural dimensions of interrogative and imperative sentences across different societies. Through an analysis of linguistic features and cultural norms, the study examines how interrogative sentences reflect attitudes towards communication styles, politeness strategies, and social hierarchy, while imperative sentences reveal cultural perspectives on authority, egalitarianism, and social cooperation. By recognizing and respecting these linguo-cultural nuances, individuals can enhance cross-cultural communication, fostering mutual understanding and strengthening interpersonal relationships in diverse cultural contexts. During the research, the ways of expression of interrogative-imperative sentences and the similarities and differences of these types of sentences are considered in comparative languages. Principally, the methods of expression of interrogative-imperative sentences found in textbooks, manuals and works of several Uzbek, Russian and English scholars are given with examples. In particular, some types of interrogative sentences found in the work of the American writer James Patterson, "When The Wind Blows", mainly the expression of interrogative-imperative sentences in a differential-contextual nature, have a scientific approach to the Russian and English translations, and pragmatic attention is focused in the research.
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