Information For Authors

The editors of the scientific and practical electronic journal “Innovative Economics” thank you for your cooperation and ask you to comply with the following requirements when submitting articles for publication.

  1. The topic of the scientific article presented by the author must correspond to the directions given in the “Journal Sections” section of the scientific and practical electronic journal “Innovative Economics”;
  2. The article formatting parameters are as follows: font - Times New Roman, kegel -14, spacing - 1.0 in MS Word format; the volume of a scientific article should be at least 6-7 pages and the maximum volume should not exceed 16 pages, the number of references should consist of 10-15 sources. Sources not listed in the article cannot be included in the list of references. ;
  3. The problem raised in the article must be clearly formulated, the information presented must be theoretically, methodologically and methodologically thorough; that the sources indicated are reliable, based on problems, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations;
  4. The article must be enriched with tables, figures and diagrams, references to sources must be given to the statistical and factual materials provided (full information about the source must be given), figures, tables, diagrams, graphs, symbols included in the article must be clearly and clearly described, abbreviations must be deciphered;
  5. The article can be presented in Uzbek, Russian or English;
  6. According to the requirements of international standards, the article must have the following points:
  • UDC (shown in the upper left corner of the article, the classifier is available at
  • The topic of the scientific article (the topic of the article should be as short and concise as possible in 3 languages, clearly express the scientific direction of the article, in capital letters, from the middle);
  • Information about the author(s) (first and last name of the author (with patronymic), place of work and position, academic degree and title, email address and telephone numbers in 3 languages, all information must be entered in full without abbreviations)
  • Abstract of the article, it is necessary to provide a brief annotation to the article in Uzbek, Russian and English (the abstract in each language must consist of at least 2-3 sentences);
  • Key words (each of the main words is recommended to be repeated in the main text 5-10 times. Key words must be presented in Uzbek, Russian and English).
  • Introduction (reflects the relevance of the topic, statement of the scientific problem, purpose, scientific essence);
  • Literature review on the topic (The literature review is mainly based on recent journal articles in the field and other sources of information (articles on the topic can be found by keywords in the search engine;
  • Research methodology (research methodology, definition of philosophy and direction of research (deduction or induction), research design, i.e. creating a master plan leading to solving a research problem, determining ways to obtain the necessary information for research and research ethics, choosing a research object ( sampling), decisions to use primary or secondary sources of information, research strategy (observation, experiment, case study, questionnaire, ethnographic, archival research, etc.) definition means determining the path leading to a specific solution to a problem based on rational decision making )
  • Analysis and main results (performs an analysis of data collected using analysis methods (mathematical models, etc.) predefined in the research methodology. The results of the analytical part include comparison with the results and conclusions of the analysis of literature on the topic and discussion through personal opinions.) ;
  • Conclusions and proposals (understanding the goals and objectives of the study and finding answers to the research questions, general conclusions on the main results of the study and the general research process, while proposals and directions for future research based on the same study should form the basis of some of the conclusions and proposals of the article);
  • List of used literature. (All references used in the article are listed in this section in alphabetical order in accordance with the requirements of the Harvard form:
  • author's name, (year), book title, publication address (Russia, Uzbekistan, etc.), publisher's name;
  • author's surname, (year), title of article, title of journal, edition, number, pages.)
  • The article is accepted with a brief message from the site Originality must be at least 70%.
  • Articles that do not meet the above requirements will not be considered by the editors.

You can send an article to the scientific-practical electronic magazine "Innovation Economy" at the address