

underground fruit and vegetable storageumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori soil massifumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori relative coefficientumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori ventilation airumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori Fourier numberumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori Biot numberumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori self-discharge GAEXumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori natural coldumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori cold accumulationumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori dimensionless temperature


A mathematical model of heat exchange during cooling of a soil massif using a natural accumulator of cold soil (GANC) has been developed, the results of modeling an underground storage facility for storing fruits and vegetables with GANC, which is combined with an active ventilation system under non-stationary temperature conditions, are presented.


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