drying chamber, natural ventilation, temperature, convection, drying speed, grapes, collector, solar radiation.Abstract
This article presents the results of research work on a modernized solar drying plant
with indirect heat pipes and natural air ventilation. The dependences of temperatures, moisture
content of the steam-air mixture and on the surface of the dried grapes, the drying speed on the time
of the drying process were established, and were also compared with the results of the kinetics of the
grape drying process, obtained in a direct-acting solar drying installation.
The complete physical characterization of the structural model and its elements is established
by semi-empirical calculation methods and calculated on the basis of relevant concepts and
experimental results.
The high drying temperature of the hard layer (crust formation) that forms on the surface makes
it difficult for liquid that has not yet been removed from the inside to escape and prevents drying.
This problem was solved by changing the drying conditions and were implemented through a solar
drying installation with a heat pipe and natural air convection in the solar collector, with the
following efficiency factors: heat pipes 34%, heat exchangers 25% and drying cabinet 11%.
Based on a comparative analysis of the results of experimental studies, it was found that the
size of the dried grapes (capillaries) does not matter at the initial stage of drying, while at later stages
it affects the drying rate. Also, due to the high drying temperature, the hard layer (crust formation)
that forms on the surface makes it difficult for the liquid that has not yet been removed from the inside
to escape and prevents drying. The formation of a crust should be avoided as this affects the drying
speed and quality of the product to be dried. This problem can be solved by monitoring or changing
the drying conditions. Such a problem can be solved by monitoring or changing the drying conditions.
In this scientific work, the drying conditions were undoubtedly realized by installing a heat pipe in
the solar collector.
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