aerobic, anaerobic, condenser, pyrolysis reactor, biogas reactor, biomass, alternative fuel, collector, bioenergy device.Abstract
The fact that the world's energy resources are declining and their prices are regularly
rising shows the importance of using energy efficient technologies for their rational use in the future.
The authors analyzed the results of scientific research on the efficiency of a biogas plant for
producing alternative fuel from biomass and saving thermal energy used for the specific needs of the
plant, as well as the thermal performance of the plant.
This article comparatively analyzes aerobic and anaerobic methods of biological processing of
biomass (raw materials), thermal circuits of various biogas plants. In this article, the goals of
computational and theoretical studies obtained in the process of anaerobic digestion are aimed at an
approximate assessment of the thermal circuits of biogas plants, thermal efficiency, thermal
parameters, taking into account the degree of optimization.
In the article, the authors proposed a combined pyrolysis-biogas system for providing heat to
a biogas reactor. As a result of using the waste heat of the pyrolysis condenser for this type of biogas
plant, it was found that a temperature of 52-56 ℃ can be created in the biogas reactor, which allows
reducing the specific energy consumption of the plant. for the anaerobic digestion process up to 60-
When processing biomass and achieving fuel and energy savings, it is advisable to use a
combined pyrolysis-biogas plant operating on the basis of solar energy and the heat of a pyrolysis
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