Issues of human capital development in the digital economy


  • Mirzaev, Kulmamat Dzhanzakovich Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
  • Bobokulov, Sanjar Bahronkulovich Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service


digital economy, digitalization, cloud technologies, human capital, human resources, human maturity, human development, index, investment, education, healthcare, national income, analysis, excellence


In this article, the authors present an analysis of research into the formation and development of human capital
in the digital economy and the human maturity index. Research was also conducted on the state of human capital formation
in our country and its improvement in the digital economy, scientific proposals and conclusions were given. Today, human
capital is becoming the main factor of human knowledge, skills and qualifications in economic development. Especially in
the developed countries of the world, the bulk of human capital is increasing. They direct the bulk of their investments
directly into human capital. This is of great importance in the development of the digital economy in the world.
Industrial development, post-industrial stages of economic development, especially the innovative stage, have immeasurably
increased the importance of human capital. In the digital economy, human capital is studied separately as the main factor in
economic development and intensive production.
At the stage of development of human capital from an economy based on the previous administrative system to a modern
digital economy, a number of approaches have emerged. Based on the results of the study, the ideas presented are reflected
in the article.

Author Biographies

Mirzaev, Kulmamat Dzhanzakovich , Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

Head of the Department of Digital Economy,

Bobokulov, Sanjar Bahronkulovich, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

acting associate professor


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How to Cite

Mirzaev Dzhanzakovich, K., & Bobokulov Bahronkulovich, S. (2024). Issues of human capital development in the digital economy. THE INNOVATION ECONOMY, 2(1). Retrieved from

