Analysis of factors affecting economic growth in industrial enterprises of Kashakadarya region


  • Mirzayev, Zafar Abdalimovich Karshi Engineering Economics Institute


economic growth, industrial enterprises, GDP, industrial output, mechanism, population employment, social and economic problems


This article analyzes the essence of economic growth of industrial enterprises in the region and its role in the
economy, as well as factors influencing the economic development of industrial enterprises. Also, the effective development
of an industrial enterprise is based on the diversification of its modern industries and increasing the volume of output of
modern industrial products, creating certain socio-economic conditions to increase the labor potential in society, ensuring
employment of the population, increasing the volume of gross domestic product, dividing the population into industrial
products, issues are highlighted creating demand for labor, expanding the division of labor.
Before the stage of development of industrial enterprises in the regions, priority in ensuring economic growth was given to
natural and labor resources, and at the stage of development of industrial enterprises - to material resources; at the present
stage, after the development of industrial enterprises, the role of intellectual and information resources comes to the fore.
The development of the leading countries of the world has led to the formation of a new economy of knowledge, innovation,
global information systems, new technologies, and venture business. The analysis of these data is reflected in this article.

Author Biography

Mirzayev, Zafar Abdalimovich, Karshi Engineering Economics Institute




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How to Cite

Mirzayev Abdalimovich, Z. (2024). Analysis of factors affecting economic growth in industrial enterprises of Kashakadarya region. THE INNOVATION ECONOMY, 2(1). Retrieved from

