Prospects for innovative development of entrepreneurship in the regions


  • Tursunov, Imomnazar Egamberdievich Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
  • Наминова, Кермен Антоновна Kalmyk State University


private entrepreneurship, small and medium business, competitiveness, digital and innovative economy, innovation, digital entrepreneurship, digitalization, competitive environment, innovations, entrepreneurship, informatization, computer technology, network mechanisms,, digital economy, risk economics


One of the priority areas of the economic reform currently underway in Russia and Uzbekistan is the
establishment and development of small and medium-sized businesses. The article describes the role, essence and
significance of the digital and innovative economy in increasing the competitiveness of private entrepreneurship, small
and medium-sized businesses. Also, proposals were put forward for their development in connection with the integration
of science and higher education and internal and external factors of technological development. The article shows a
new set of economic processes in a modern market economy, factors and risks of managing the transition to network
mechanisms for innovative development of the economy. The economy of risks is the economy of high-tech and knowledgeintensive industries, characterized by the highest degree of political, economic, technological, financial and environmental
uncertainties and risks. The article studies the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of new
challenges and the formation of a digital economy in the regional space. The relationship and mutual influence of the
development of SMEs and the regional economy is revealed. The necessity and importance of monitoring the development
of small and medium-sized businesses in the region is substantiated

Author Biographies

Tursunov, Imomnazar Egamberdievich, Karshi Engineering Economics Institute

Professor of the department “Business and
Innovation Management”

Наминова, Кермен Антоновна, Kalmyk State University

professor of the department of management


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How to Cite

Tursunov Egamberdievich, I., & Naminova Antonovna, K. (2024). Prospects for innovative development of entrepreneurship in the regions. THE INNOVATION ECONOMY, 2(1). Retrieved from

