
  • Yu.Z. Nasrullayev Karshi engineering-economics institute
  • A.X. Allamurotov Tashkent Architecture and Construction University

Ключевые слова:

BIFP, photovoltaic panels, monocrystalline silicon, copper-selenium-indium-gallium CIGS, solar cell, fan, thermocouple, light absorption, carrier concentration, efficiency factor, current-voltage characteristic.


The installation of integrated photovoltaic panels (BIFP) systems in residential and public buildings aims to minimize the total energy demand and the associated heat and power supply system. The energy infrastructure of building-integrated photovoltaic systems, and renewable energy sources includes energy-efficient structures. This paper examines the performance of building roof/facade-based (BIFP) systems and the parameters affecting building cooling/heating systems. A number of available technologies and building-integrated photovoltaic systems facilitate the configuration, allowing for flexibility in the operation of installations in any system and the local environment and installation systems.

Библиографические ссылки

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Bibliographic description: Nasrullaev Y.Z., Panjiev D. Temperature connection of volt-amper characteristics of solar elements // Universum: техническиенауки : электрон. научн. журн. 2021. 4(85). URL: (дата обращения: 26.04.2021).




Как цитировать

Nasrullayev, Y., & Allamurotov, A. (2023). RESEARCH OF METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF INTEGRATION OF PHOTOELECTRIC MODULES INTO THE BUILDING. Muqobil Energetika, Alternative Energy , 2(02), 72–79. извлечено от


