
  • Отабек Мирзаев Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
  • Фаррух Боймуратов Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
  • Содиқ Мустапақулов Karshi Engineering Economics Institute


mechanismumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori movementumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori deformationumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori elasticityumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori volumeumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori coefficientumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori layerumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori shellumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori toothed cylinderumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori rubberumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori specific energy


The article provides a dynamic analysis of compound gear cylinders found in mechanisms. It is known that in order to reduce the mutual deformations of the working bodies in the mechanisms and increase the productivity of the mechanisms, the installation of rubber shells on them remains one of the new areas of mechanical engineering. The problem of studying the forces arising in the study of the motion of mechanisms is one of the important directions in this area. Dynamic solutions of the problem are presented in the form of graphs. Deformation and stretching of the gear cylinder under the action of forces were developed according to the Euler equation.


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