organic wasteumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori municipal solid wasteumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori anaerobic processing of municipal solid waste##article.abstract##
The article presents an analysis of the processing of municipal solid waste by anaerobic fermentation. A substantiated analysis of the formation of energy efficiency and improvement of the sanitary and environmental situation in the systems for processing municipal solid waste is shown. The temperature regime of anaerobic digestion of solid wastes with the production of landfill gas and organic fertilizers has been experimentally studied.
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Kodirov I.N., Toshmamatov B.M., Aliyarova L.A., Shomuratova S.M., Chorieva S. 2022 Experimental study of heliothermal processing of municipal solid waste based on solar energy. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1070(1), 012033.
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Muradov, I., Toshmamatov, B.M., Kurbanova, N.M., Baratova, S.R., Temirova, L. (2019). Development of A Scheme For The Thermal Processing of Solid Household. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 9, September 2019, India, 10784-10787 pp.
Uzakov, G.N., Toshmamatov, B.M., Shomuratova, S.M., Temirova, L.Z. (2019). Calculation of energy efficiency of the solar installation for the processing of municipal solid waste. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 12, December 2019.
T A Faiziev and B M Toshmamatov 2021 Mathematical model of heat accumulation in the substrate and ground of a heliogreenhouse IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 723 032006. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/723/3/032006.
Toshmamatov, B. M, Uzakov, G. N, Kodirov, I. N & Khatamov, I. A. (2020). Calculation of the heat balance of the solar installation for the thermal processing of municipal solid waste. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research and Development (IJAERD) ISSN (P): 2250–1584; ISSN (E): 2278–9383 Vol. 10, Issue 1, Jun 2020, 21–30.