
  • Бахром Шерқулов Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
  • Тулкун Файзиев Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
  • Сайдулла Хужакулов Karshi Engineering Economics Institute https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6947-6750


heliotechnicsumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori solar radiationumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori concentratorumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori optical-energy systemumumiy vergul ro'yxat seperatori photometrics


The article presents information about the course of the process of concentrating the energy of solar radiation, depending on the properties of the primary source of radiation - the Sun, and the properties of the solar concentration system, which belongs to the class of optical-energy systems and is intended for redistribution at a certain level in order to increase the flux density of solar radiation.


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