optimization, mathematical model, algorithm, autonomous system, hybrid system, photovoltaic station, wind power station, solar module, wind unit, capital investment, operating costs.Abstract
In modern conditions of intensive increasing the electricity consumption in all spheres
of human activity, limited hydrocarbon fuel reserves, as well as the severity of environmental
problems in the energy sector require the development and implementation of more effective methods
for the construction and operation of power plants in basis of renewable energy resources, primarily
solar and wind energy. The design of autonomous hybrid systems with stations using such energy
resources involves, in particular, the selection of the optimal composition of the main equipment.
Despite the current existence of a number of developments to solve this problem, the issues of
improving them by taking into account all limiting and influencing factors, increasing the accuracy
of optimization, remains an urgent task. This paper proposes an effective mathematical model and
algorithm for selecting the optimal composition of units in autonomous hybrid systems containing
solar and wind stations, as well as batteries, taking into account all factors. The proposed algorithm
involves solving the problem by reducing it to a linear programming problem and using the simplex
method. The results of a study of the effectiveness of the proposed model and optimization algorithm
are presented. Based on the results of the calculation experiments performed, it was revealed that the
proposed model and algorithm for optimizing the composition of equipment in an autonomous hybrid
system has good computational quality and high calculation accuracy.
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