bioenergy, biofuel, pyrolysis, pyrofuels, pyrogas, pyrocoal, pyroliquid, biomass, bioreactor, flat solar air collector, drying chamber.Abstract
In traditional small-capacity pyrolysis devices, direct burning of bio- mass, electric
heating or burning of alternative fuels are used to dry raw materials (biomass) loaded into the
reactor, and heat is used for private needs. Therefore, saving fuel and energy resources during drying
of biomass for pyrolysis is considered an urgent scientific and technical issue. It was proposed to
use a flat solar air collector to cover the heat load necessary for drying biomass selected for pyrolysis
technology. The necessary quality parameters of the drying chamber, flat solar air collector and
bioreactor, as well as their geometric dimensions, necessary for the process were selected. Based on
the analysis, a technological scheme of a small pyrolysis device was developed.
Direct placement of biomass in the bioreactor during the pyrolysis process leads to an increase
in its quality indicators and the heat load applied to the biomass. As a solution to this problem, it was
proposed to dry the product using a flat solar air collector before placing it in the bioreactor.
Based on the analysis of scientific and technical materials and scientific developments, the
technological scheme and operating principle of the pyrolysis plant with a solar air collector are
As a result of the practical application of the pyrolysis unit with a solar air collector, savings
in thermal energy used for drying raw materials (biomass) are achieved. As a result, the energy
efficiency of the pyrolysis unit with a solar air collector increases by 15÷20%.
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