electricity, electric power, energy efficiency, reliability, electric motor, current, voltage, phase, frequency converter, power, harmonics, phase shift angle.Abstract
This article analyzes experimental studies and their results on increasing the energy
efficiency and reliability of electric vehicles.
Experimental studies of direct start-up of the electric drive and start-up through a frequency
converter, the obtained results have been comparatively analyzed.
The research was carried out on a 22 kW electric motor. The obtained results are presented
based on a graph. The analysis of the results was researched because of the graphoanalytical method.
The impact of the electric drives on the energy efficiency and reliability of the frequency converter
was evaluated based on the results of the experiment.
According to the results of an experiment on starting an electric drive using a frequency
converter, an increase in energy efficiency by 23% and its reliability by 26% was scientifically
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