water-salt balance, groundwater level, salt transfer, aeration zone, porous medium, mathematical modeling, transpiration, evaporationAbstract
One of the main tasks of salt transfer research is the selection of a mathematical
model that corresponds to given conditions based on the study of the structural features of individual
horizons of the studied rock strata, the patterns of movement of substances, and methods for
describing the action of these processes.
This article examined some issues of modeling salt transfer under conditions of furrow
irrigation of cotton, when seasonal deviations from the general direction of the process can be
neglected. A method has been developed for determining the parameters of salt transfer under
conditions of a stationary salt regime of soils in the aeration zone based on the average salinity of
soils of a given thickness, during furrow irrigation of cotton, according to the data of lysimetric
experiments. It is known that stationary ion-salt and water regimes are formed during long-term
irrigation or under natural conditions and occur when the factors that contribute to the removal of
salts from the rocks of the aeration zone and groundwater and the influx of salts are in equilibrium. The proposed method for determining the parameters of salt transfer under conditions of a
stationary water-salt regime of soils, according to data from both field and laboratory experiments,
takes into account the above-mentioned features.
With a stationary distribution of salts and a constant speed of moisture movement in the soil
aeration zone, the solution of the direct problem makes it possible to predict the average
mineralization of pore solutions in the rocks of the aeration zone during furrow irrigation of cotton.
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№. 1
Avlakulov, M., Kodirov, I.E., Faiziev, S.S. Mass transfer processes in a heterogeneous
medium occurring in the aeration zone during infiltration of surface waters. E3S Web of
Conferences 2023, 411, 02022
Avlakulov M., Matyakubov B., Kodirov I. Methods for Solving the Problem of Filter Flow
with Furrow Irrigation. E3S Web of Conferences 2023, 2612, 050032
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