photoelectric battery, photo thermal battery, short circuit current, idle voltage, power, efficiencyAbstract
This article presents the results of testing in natural environmental conditions of a
new mobile device based on a reflective photocell battery equipped with a self-cooling system without
additional energy recovery at the cooling period, designed for use in the extraction of water from
wells and energy supply to household consumers in villages located in remote areas of the republic
with a hot and dry climate. The device was tested in two different modes, photoelectric and photocell
modes. The idle voltages were 20.5 V and 25 V in photovoltaic and photothermal modes, respectively,
and the short circuit currents were 35.4 A and 44.6 A, respectively. The output power of the device
showed values of 516 W and 870 W, respectively. With the help of the apparatus a water pump with
a power of 350 W pumped water to a height of 15 m for 5 hours, and an acid battery with a capacity
of 200 A-hour was being kept fully charged. During this time 30 m3
of water was pumped out, and
the efficiency of the subsystem was 71,4%.
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