heliopyrolysis, concentrator, pyrolysis reactor, amount of heat, solar radiation, concentration, alternative fuel, temperatureAbstract
The article is devoted to an experimental study of the temperature regime of the process of heliopyrolysis of biomass and hydrocarbon-containing wastes using a parabolic solar concentrator. An experimental heliopyrolysis plant with a parabolic solar concentrator has been developed and its geometric, design and thermal characteristics have been substantiated. The temperature field of a cylindrical reactor during the pyrolysis of polymeric wastes in the temperature range of 100÷870 ℃ was experimentally investigated. The temperature values are obtained at the characteristic points of the reactor of the heliopyrolysis plant. Experiments show that in the conditions of the city of Karshi it is possible to create a regime of 300÷500℃ using a parabolic concentrator, sufficient for the pyrolysis of organic waste and biomass.
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