Directions for diversification of production in dekhkan farms


  • Samieva, Gulnoza Tokhirovna Karshi Engineering Economics Institute


dekhkan farms, food security, income of dekhkan farms, diversification, supply and service services, agricultural products


Increasing the standard of living of the population by providing food, employment and the processing
industry with agricultural raw materials is an important strategic goal of the economy. In the modern period of economic
development, peasant farms, as the oldest organizational form of production, are of great importance in solving this strategic
problem. Considering the relevance of the topic in the article, the development of proposals and recommendations aimed
at the further development of farms in Uzbekistan, especially the Kashkadarya region, is of great scientific and practical
importance, in order to ensure that part of the population is filled with work and income, and the market is filled with
agricultural products through effective use of agricultural land.
The article discusses the socio-economic essence, organizational and economic foundations, theoretical foundations of
diversification and production efficiency, as well as issues of their development using foreign experience. It was also noted
that diversification of production is an important factor in the further development of farms in the future, and studies of a
number of foreign and domestic economists regarding the essence and effectiveness of the concept of diversification were

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Samieva, Gulnoza Tokhirovna, Karshi Engineering Economics Institute

PhD, доцент кафедры
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article/n/bases-of-economic-efficiency-of-agricultural-production (dаtа obrаsheniya: 16.07.2023)




How to Cite

Samieva Tokhirovna, G. (2024). Directions for diversification of production in dekhkan farms. THE INNOVATION ECONOMY, 2(1). Retrieved from

