National green economy taxonomy


  • Alikulov, Khumoyun Tokhir University of Economics and Pedagogy


“green” economy, “green” economy taxonomy, environmental risks, energy efficient technologies, natural disasters, climate change, natural resources, greenhouse gases, ecotourism, taxonomy of “green” projects


In the modern rapidly developing period, the main issue of the economy is to satisfy the unlimited needs
of people at the expense of limited resources, and today this issue is becoming increasingly relevant. Because the sharp
increase in population and the increase in countries with high income levels in the world economy show that this law has not
lost its relevance. In order to transition to a “green economy” and its further development, to promote the development of
business and entrepreneurship without harming the environment and ecology, a number of laws and regulations are being
adopted in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In particular, the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
dated 09.29.2023 No. 514 “On measures to organize a management system for the transition to a green economy”, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.25.2023 No. 561 “Approval of the taxonomy of the national “green
economy”” were adopted on time. This scientific article in the development of the national economy based on the “green”
economy in Uzbekistan examines “the possibilities of using green technologies and economic mechanisms, the essence of
the “green economy”, the impact on our national economy, the Concept of taxonomy of the national “green” economy and
the Cabinet of Ministers covering these questions. The content and essence of the law “On approval of the national taxonomy of the green economy” is analyzed.

Author Biography

Alikulov, Khumoyun Tokhir, University of Economics and Pedagogy

teacher at the Department of Economics


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How to Cite

Alikulov, Khumoyun Tokhir, K. (2024). National green economy taxonomy. THE INNOVATION ECONOMY, 2(1). Retrieved from

