
  • Gulom Uzakov Karshi SIEI
  • Z.E. Kuziev Bukhara engineering technological institute
  • A.B. Safarov Karshi engineering-economics institute
  • Х.А. Davlonov Karshi engineering-economics institute


pumping device, water flow, water pressure, vertical-axis micro hydroelectric power plant, modeling, water wheel, guide vane, magnetoelectric generator, stator, rotor, winding, pole, electromagnetic power.


The article presents the results of research on the development of a micro hydroelectric power plant adapted to the water flows coming out of pumping devices located in the southwestern regions of Uzbekistan, in particular, in the Bukhara and Kashkadarya regions. An analysis of scientific research on the development of micro hydroelectric power plants with a vertical axis is presented. Empirical equations are given for the dependence of the efficiency of the developed vertical-axis micro hydroelectric power plant on water consumption, changes in water pressure, the angle of inclination of the water flow guides, and propeller-type water wheel blades.  A mathematical model of the optimal speed of rotation of the water wheel based on geometric laws has been developed. The maximum efficiency of the hydro turbine is justified, which is 75%, while the angle of interaction of the water flow with the blades of the installation is β=148º, the angle of the exit of the water flow from the guide vane α=53º. Also, an improved magnetoelectric generator has been developed to ensure reliable operation of the micro hydroelectric power station in low-pressure watercourses. As a result, it was found that its magnetoelectric power increased by 20%. The possibility of developing a micro hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 1 ... 50 kW, depending on the flow rate and pressure of the water flow, as well as providing uninterrupted electricity to autonomous consumers located near this station, is substantiated.


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