
  • X.A. Almardanov Karshi engineering-economics institute


heliopyrolysis, concentrator, pyrolysis reactor, biomass, amount of heat, solar radiation, thermal efficiency, alternative fuel, temperature, time.


In the article, the processes of heat exchange in the reactor of the heliopyrolysis device with a solar concentrator are studied. Based on the conducted experiments, the optimal parameters of the heliopyrolysis device with a solar concentrator were determined and the dependence of the generated energy on the aperture of the solar concentrators was studied. Based on the results of experiments on biomass heliopyrolysis, the influence of environmental parameters on heat exchange processes inside the reactor was determined. According to the conducted experiments, the effect of ambient temperature and wind speed on the heat exchange process in the reactor was studied. In the experiments, the temperature profile of the heliopyrolysis process was created using a parabolic concentrator. The temperature regime in the reactor was measured with the help of Teplovizor Snegir-700MT.


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