
  • J.R. Kodirov Bukhara State University
  • Sh.M. Mirzayev Bukhara State University
  • S.Sh Khakimova Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

Ключевые слова:

natural convection, device, steam-air process, drying process, semi-empirical formula, improved, modification, modernization, cabinet.


A combined drying-storage device with an additional transparent surface has been developed, which makes it possible to increase the intensity of natural air convection, simultaneously dry and store apricot products, and conduct experimental studies. The temperature of the steam-air mixture increased by 3÷4℃ in the outlet of the indirect solar dryer with improved natural convection and by 6÷7℃ in the middle part of the cabinet. As a result, the moisture content of the product was reduced from 67.8% to 51.6%.

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Как цитировать

Kodirov, J., Mirzayev, S., & Khakimova , S. (2023). IMPROVEMENT OF THE INDIRECT SOLAR DRYER WITH NATURAL AIR CONVECTION . Muqobil Energetika, Alternative Energy , 2(01), 14–21. извлечено от


