
  • Б.Э. Хайриддинов Karshi engineering-economics institute
  • Ш. Эргашев Karshi engineering-economics institute
  • Ж.Т. Абдурахимов Karshi engineering-economics institute

Ключевые слова:

Optimization, energy supply, battery, energy consumption, capacities, energy intensity.


The article presents the results of the analysis of the state of optimization of the microclimate capacities in the solar greenhouse-livestock complex and the means of energy supply for livestock products, indicators of energy consumption, and energy intensity of production dynamics of the solar heating system of the solar greenhouse-livestock buildings from a subsoil heat accumulator. The role and place of decentralized energy supply systems for animal husbandry premises, based on the use of local and renewable energy resources, is shown. An important direction in the development of rural energy is the implementation of bioenergy systems into high-quality technological biofuels. Development of a physical model of heat transfer through a subsoil accumulator, heat with optimization of the supply air temperature in microclimate systems. Innovative developments in various livestock production technologies as well as energy supply systems are presented.

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Как цитировать

Хайриддинов, Б., Эргашев, Ш., & Абдурахимов, Ж. (2022). ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ МОЩНОСТЕЙ СИСТЕМ МИКРОКЛИМАТА В ГЕЛИОТЕПЛИЦЫ - ЖИВОТНОВОДЧЕСКОГО КОМПЛЕКСА. Muqobil Energetika, Alternative Energy , 1(03), 68–75. извлечено от https://ojs.qmii.uz/index.php/ae/article/view/268


