
  • Gulom Uzakov Karshi SIEI
  • Bobir Toshmamatov Karshi engineering-economics institute

Ключевые слова:

Anaerobic processing of organic waste, solid waste, solid waste.


The article analyzes the sources of the formation of solid household waste (SHW) and the problems that arise. The effects of ambient temperature and humidity on SHW have been studied. The issue of processing and using SHW was considered.

As a result of the anaerobic decomposition of SHW due to high humidity in the waste layers (85÷90%) and lack of oxygen, compounds such as various (NO, NO2, NH4, HCl, C, SO2, H2S, CO, CoF3, ClF5, CH4, CH3, CnHm, PhMe) have been spread to environmental poisoning, ozone layer degradation and greenhouse gas formation have been detected.

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Как цитировать

Uzakov, G., & Toshmamatov, B. (2023). TECHNOLOGICAL PROBLEMS ARISING FROM THE PRODUCTION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE. Muqobil Energetika, Alternative Energy , 1(01). извлечено от


