
  • Ислом Рахматович Жураев
  • Исроил Абриевич Юлдошев
  • Зухра Исламовна Жураева


Тонкопленочные фотоэлектрические модули теллурида кадмия, фотоэлектрическая тепловая установка, энергообеспечение, горячее водоснабжение.


Introduction. With the help of solar power installations of various technologies, solar energy is converted into electric, thermal and other types of energy, it is possible to produce hot water and even provide heat and cooling supply to premises.  At the same time, photovoltaic thermal installations (PVTI) can serve as the optimal solution for integration in the energy supply of consumers with electric energy and hot water supply.

Methods and materials. There are two main advantages of the PVTI, firstly, the efficiency of the modules can be increased due to active cooling and secondly, the collection in combination of a photovoltaic module with a thermal battery allows the heat to be used to generate thermal energy, heated water.

Results. Based on the results of the research, PVTI based on thin-film modules of cadmium telluride were developed. Due to cooling of the back side of the module, the PVTI allowed to reduce the temperature by 8.6-21.5%, increase electrical efficiency by 1.7-2.5%, power by 8-10.3%, simultaneously produce electricity and heated water for consumer household needs.

Conclusion. The developed FETs of various design types have been tested in hot climatic conditions. These installations can be used for power supply of hot water supply to consumers of different categories with integration in buildings and individual houses.


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How to Cite

Жураев, И. Р., Юлдошев, И. А., & Жураева, З. И. (2024). ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ ФОТОЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИХ ТЕПЛОВЫХ УСТАНОВОК В СФЕРЫ ЭНЕРГООБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЕЙ. Muqobil Energetika, 1(12). Retrieved from https://ojs.qmii.uz/index.php/ae/article/view/831


