
  • Gulom Uzakov Karshi SIEI
  • A.B. Safarov
  • K.N. Ulmasov


relative energy of wind flow, two-parameter Weibull probability distribution function, shape parameter, scale parameter


This article presents the scientific basis of the study of the possibilities of using environmentally clear wind energy devices in providing continuous and reliable electricity to the settlements located far from the centralized power supply of Bukhara region. The two-parameter Weibull probability distribution function was used to estimate the potential of wind energy resources at different altitudes of the region. Average wind speed at a height of 10 m varies from 3.5 m/s to 4.5 m/s, the relative wind power is 50-60 W/m2 and the relative wind energy is 500 kWh/m2 per year, 80 m the technical potential of the high-altitude wind flow is equal 3.5 bln kW⸱h. In addition, a new type of vertical axis wind energy device adapted to the climatic conditions of Bukhara region has been developed and its parameters are scientifically based. The method of using external guiding surfaces to ensure the stable operation of the wind energy device is presented. Due to the use of external deflecting surfaces, it is possible to significantly increase the wind flow. An improved axial generator with a multi-pole stator and rotor rotating opposite to each other has been developed to ensure the efficient operation of the wind energy device in weak wind currents. Due to the use of an electric generator, a 20% increase in electricity production in weak wind currents has been achieved. It is based on the fact that due to the introduction of the developed 600 W wind energy device, approximately 1200 kWh of electricity, 0.993 tons fuel are saved and more than 2 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas is prevented from being released into the atmosphere. Based on the results of the research, we can develop the economic and social spheres by expanding the use of these wind energy devices to small power consumers living in remote areas.


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How to Cite

Uzakov, G., Safarov, A., & Ulmasov , K. (2023). MODELING OF A WIND ENERGY FACILITY ADAPTED TO THE CLIMATE CONDITIONS OF SOUTHERN REGIONS OF UZBEKISTAN. Muqobil Energetika, 2(02), 23–37. Retrieved from


