
  • Bobir Toshmamatov Karshi engineering-economics institute


municipal solid waste, solar energy, solar installation, alternative fuels, heat balance, waste management.


The article proposes a solar installation for the thermal processing of municipal solid waste and presents a technique for the technical and economic analysis of solid waste processing systems based on solar energy. An analysis of the heat balance of the developed solar installation was compiled and carried out, and the energy requirement for the thermal processing of municipal solid waste was determined. A calculation has been made showing the energy efficiency of a solar installation for the processing of municipal solid waste using solar energy.

Analysis shows that the test data for the control system shows that the time of heating the MSW mass to a temperature of 55-60 0C is - 15 hours.

Experimental results show, the output of landfill gas in the optimal mode is 12-15 m3/day.

It has been determined, the landfill gas productivity is 150-200 m3/t, the working volume of the SI is 1 m3, the temperature of the MSW mass in the reactor corresponds to the thermophiles mode: 55-60 0C.

Preliminary calculations and tests show that the developed installation will provide a stable temperature regime for solid waste fermentation and save heat energy consumption by 30-40%.


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How to Cite

Toshmamatov, B. (2022). SOLAR ENERGY APPLICATION IN MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE: EXPERIENCE, RESULTS AND EFFICIENCY. Muqobil Energetika, 1(04), 84–96. Retrieved from