
  • Shavazov, Abdulatif Achilovich Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Eshkuziyev, Khurshid Musajanovich Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Ишанова Дилдора Абдувалиевна Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Norboev, Anvar Eshmuminovich Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute


pumping unit, voltage, power, current, asynchronous motor, synchronous electric motor, frequency, pressure pipe, centrifugal pump, para rack, shaft, transformer.


The article provides an analysis of energy-efficient operating modes and parameters
of cascade pumping stations.
The operating mode of pump stations in irrigation systems is determined by a number of
parameters, including structural design, technological, and electrical characteristics.
In sugaring systems, it is believed that the operating order of existing pumping stations is
determined by the parameters of one cathode. Including a structural device, technological and
implemented in the form of electricity.
For the “pump-motor-pressure pipe” system, the division of pumping units into pumps of
different types is analyzed, taking into account the options for connecting pressure pipes, depending
on the voltage value for the parameters of frequency converters, depending on the type of electric


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How to Cite

Shavazov, A., Eshkuziyev, K., Ishanova , D., & Norboyev , A. (2024). ANALYSIS OF ENERGY-EFFICIENT OPERATING MODES AND PARAMETERS OF CASCADE PUMPING STATIONS. Innovatsion Texnologiyalar , 55(03). Retrieved from