
  • Mukhammadiyev, Khamidullo Murodillayevich Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute


geophysical research, gas and gas condensate fields, thermometry, technological regime, stabilization, productivity, heavy hydrocarbons, debitometer, lubricator.


Increasing hydrocarbon productivity through the rational use of gas and gas
condensate fields is becoming urgent. By conducting a thermometric study on gas wells based on the
obtained data on temperature distribution, it will be possible to solve such problems as identifying
gas recovery intervals from formations, assessing gas recovery from individual formations,
determining the conditions for the release of heavy hydrocarbons, and determining the location of a
gas flow leak due to a defective pipe connection.
Preparation for thermometric studies and their implementation are similar to the biometric
method in many ways. Therefore, when applying the thermometry method, it is important to
accurately know the technological parameters of wells. At gas wells, this study is carried out using a
TEG-36 thermometer.
Interpreting the results in shut-in and operating gas wells, it is possible to determine the
temperature distribution along the well wall, the stabilization process in various modes, gas recovery
intervals and the productivity of individual formations.
A deep thermometer device should be lowered directly into gas wells to justify the technology
for conducting thermometric research. By processing the results obtained, it will be possible to find
a practical solution to problems in the well.


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How to Cite

Mukhammadiyev, K. (2024). JUSTIFICATION OF TECHNOLOGY FOR CONDUCTING THERMOMETRIC STUDIES OF GAS WELLS. Innovatsion Texnologiyalar , 55(03). Retrieved from https://ojs.qmii.uz/index.php/it/article/view/905