stratified structure, pressure loss, horizontal pipeline, speed, true gas content, mixture.Abstract
Research in the field of hydrodynamic calculations of the flow of gas-liquid mixtures
in pipelines has been carried out by many researchers. They theoretically and experimentally studied
various hydraulic and hydrodynamic features of gas-liquid flows. However, in these works the
obtained parameters have an error associated with a large number of variables characterizing the
two-phase flow. Therefore, this article sets a goal aimed at a mathematical description of the
calculated dependencies for a stratified flow structure in a pipeline. In this case, the objectives of the
work are to determine the calculated parameters of two-phase flows and pressure loss in horizontal
pipelines or with relatively small values of the angle of inclination with a stratified flow structure.
For the hydraulic calculation of downward flows with an angle of inclination a from 10
to 100
, we
used the formulas of Altschul and the Research Institute of Gas, and equations for the main
parameters of the pipe when stratified gas-liquid mixtures passed through it were derived
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