technical station, dropped train, technical inspection, commercial inspection, station technology center, telegram-full-scale sheet, information and computing center, locking and sealing devices, transit train, technical inspection point, commercial inspection pointAbstract
Currently, one of the problems facing the Uzbekistan Railways JSC is that trains
being accepted into the station from the lack of empty station tracks are waiting in front of the
entrance traffic lights or at neighboring stations. As a result, the number of “abandoned” trains also
increases. This adversely affects the speed of delivery of goods and leads to a decrease in the
efficiency of transportation work.
There are various ways to solve this problem, the most important of which is the use of modern
methods for examining trains in accordance with the station's technological processes. The efficient
use of the stay times of the trains in accordance with the station's technological processes leads to an
increase in the performance of the station’s use.
According to the results of the study, a comparative analysis was carried out of the dependence
of the time spent on train processing processes on the time of conducting technical and commercial inspections of the compositions. In the research work, it was recommended to use modern methods
of examining content based on foreign experience.
It is advisable to introduce innovative technologies proposed for the removal of man from
labor-prone danger zones to the railway stations of JSC “Uzbekistan Railways”
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