losses, dilution, optimal location, pillar, backfill, general mine and operational losses, rock pressure, chamber, rear sight tapeAbstract
The causes of spoilage and deterioration of minerals extracted from the Tepaquton
mining complex are systematically analyzed and the main causes of spoilage and deterioration are identified. In addition, reasonable proposals for reducing degradation and failure have been
The optimal location of the working layers and the parameters for reducing losses were
determined. Degradation and destruction of mined sylvinite ore depend on the hypsometry of the
mined layer, the excavation size of the main rocks, the thickness of the layer, the presence of rock
layers in the layer, and it should be determined based on the results of its determination.
Degradation determination, when checked by the IMDK-511 program, the content of the mined
mineral was 26% in its initial state, due to the increase of the extraction index of the layer from
88.83% to 92.28% as a result of the vertical rise of the layer, the ore content is at least 26.15 changed
by %.
This is equivalent to a 0.15% improvement in content over baseline, as a result of extraction of
0.15% high-quality ore, economic efficiency of 5,608,696,720 (five billion six hundred eight million
six hundred ninety-six thousand seven hundred twenty) sums per year can be achieved.
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