
  • Хujakulov Rustam Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute


subsidence of soil, infiltration, degree of humidity, calculation of deformations,, hydraulic structures, loess grounds, the process of moistening, terms of preliminary soaking


The practice of irrigation development of loess lands shows that the violations that
have occurred so far in the operation of hydraulic structures are explained by insufficient knowledge
and lack of consideration in the design of the features of joint work and interaction of structures with
their subsidence bases. The design of hydraulic structures also does not fully take into account these
features.To ensure the long-term, reliable, and economical operation of hydraulic structures on
subsident soils, it is necessary to improve the methods of their design and construction, taking into
account the peculiarities of interaction with loess bases. This article is devoted to this issue.


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Conference Proceedings 2612, 020038 (2023); Published

Online: 15 March 2023




How to Cite

Хujakulov R. (2024). RELIABILITY OF HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES ON LOESS SUBSIDENCE SOILS. Innovatsion Texnologiyalar , 52(04). Retrieved from