miscella, solvent, extraction gasoline, hydrogenation process, detoxification, management process, catalyst activity and selectivity, iodine number, hydrogenation product hardnessAbstract
The process of hydrogenation of vegetable oils occurs at temperatures above 2000C.
In order to reduce the temperature, it is advisable to carry it out in a solvent (miscella). This article
presents the results of a study of the chemical composition and physicochemical properties of solvents
used in oil extraction production: extraction gasoline and hydrocarbon solvent. The results of a study
of the process of hydrogenation of cottonseed oil in solvents showed that the nature of the solvent
does not significantly affect the laws of the process itself.
The speed and selectivity of the process in the hydrocarbon solvent increased noticeably, which
indicates a decrease in the toxicity of the hydrogenation catalyst by organosulfur compounds
contained in the solvent in smaller quantities compared to extraction gasoline.
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