aggregate, mounted implement, cultivator, harrow, cultivator teeth, parallelogram mechanism, couplings, spring tension force, spring stiffness, degree of crumbling of the soil lump, lump destruction, critical speedAbstract
The article determines the speed of movement of the ripper to ensure crumbling of
soil lumps lying on the surface of the field during surface tillage. The destruction of soil lumps lying
on the soil surface occurs as a result of the impact of the ripper teeth. In this case, the probability of
destruction and the degree of crumbling of lumps depends on the loss of kinetic energy when the
ripper teeth collide with lumps of soil, since this energy is spent on their deformation, i.e. for
crumbling lumps. This means that the greater the energy loss during impact, the better the degree of
crumbling of lumps. With increase the speed of movement of the unit, the energy spent on the
destruction of lumps increases, and therefore the quality of their crumbling improves. In addition,
analysis of the expression shows that the destruction of lumps and the required degree of their
crumbling can be achieved mainly by choosing the speed of movement of the ripper. Taking this into
account, the minimum (critical) speed of movement of the unit was determined, at which crumbling
of soil lumps located on the surface of the field is ensured. From the above studies it has been
established that in order to ensure crumbling of soil lumps, the speed of movement of the ripper must
be at least 2.0 m/s.
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