organic additives, composite, IR spectroscopy, analogue, octane number, oil, fuelAbstract
The article determines the optimal proportions of starting reagents and acceptable conditions for synthesis processes for the production of organic oxygen-containing additives. When studying the reaction mechanisms of synthesis processes and their structure using IR spectroscopic analysis at frequencies corresponding to carbonyl groups C=O and acetate groups C-O-C, characteristic of esters, the absorption peak of the IR spectrum is in the region of 756-854 cm-1 the region of asymmetric valence fluctuations of the epoxy group was absent. At the same time, the physicochemical properties of the synthesized product were analyzed. Analyzing the effect of temperature on the yield of organic ester during the interaction of sodium acetate and epichlorohydrin, it was found that the yield of the reaction is low in the range of 50-70 oC. But when the temperature was maintained at 100-110 °C, an increase in productivity was observed. When studying the effect of catalysts on the yield of the reaction of sodium acetate and epichlorohydrin in a 1:1 molar ratio, it was found that the reaction can be achieved with high yield in the presence of an ionic liquid. Based on the preliminary results obtained, composites of the proposed E-3 additive are recommended for use as an additive to increase the octane number of gasoline
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